Aria Kiani

My interdisciplinary practice incorporates many facets and outlets, I make artworks as well as design pieces that run along lineal themes of perspective, empathy and connection. My arts practice engages audiences with subjects of restriction, nationality, care and action. Since starting to work as a glass blower I have begun to translate colour theories from my painting practice into design pieces exploring them further as glass vessels in my ‘Terrains’ range.


With a strong grounding in craft skills and creative process, material qualities are a prominent factor in the medium chosen for each piece. Working across drawing, painting, sculpture, print, installation , photography, glass blowing and performance allows for a wide scope of expression.

An influential history of immigration and multiculturalism is shown through the concepts around perspective seen here. Engagement of the audience is a vital part for these works to be complete, this enforces active speculation and interaction with the ideas presented.

This is a socially driven conceptual practice, with roots in creative crafts.

Through my practice I have questioned what a vessel can be, and how do our everyday objects intervene in our decision making? How does our brain chemistry and sensory perception affect our perspective in life? What does it mean to care for something as its destroyed, and the result of the destruction whether cared for or not?.

I have used our modes of perception to explore the spaces at the corners of our senses that reveal paths into seeing our individual realities from a different angle.

My practice has many facets of dealing with the same subjects as a way to facilitate my own need for expression and making as I manage topics of nationality, social interaction and connectivity within my own experience. As an Iranian born artist I find myself more politically involved as life continues and I find a need to explore and share these experiences through use of material qualities that conceptually speak to the subjects I wish to expand.